
94 Movie Reviews

32 w/ Responses

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I commend you for your multiple efforts, despite the flaws you are really devoted into making many flashes and that only deserves applause. Now, as for this flash however despite the decent enough animation and good audio quality, I feel that this has been territory that has been hit for quite some time now and as generic branded as let's players are nowadays, videos toward how much lets players suck now a days are just as generic and unfortunately this is no exception. Soon enough though, criticizing the people that make the videos that criticize the horrendous let's players are also going to quickly become annoying and generic. That aside, it was okay but forgettable. Keep Trying!

The animation.... well... uhhh.... Audio quality was pretty good, but the joke dragged on and would've been funnier had the topic not been extended, to give it a more subliminal vibe. Try Again!

Not bad for your first submission! I like the simplistic art style for the short, and the joke gave me a chuckle. The only nitpick I have really is the audio quality could be a tad better, but overall good job!

So, I've never seen this series before. So I decided to jump on it and give an honest take and compare it to the very last effort before this one. Now then, animation wise characters are very stiff how ever everything does look alot more polished than your last episode from 2012. Audio quality is pretty mediocre, and the acting ranges from subpar to flat out bad. Dialogue wise, I really despise the inconsistent mentions of the characters being in the episode. It feels lazy on the writing font, however the dialogue aside from that was just there and lacked any laughs throughout its jokes.

Overall, I'm sure fans of this will appreciate the improved animation and the amount of time and effort that went into this. Beyond that, I would suggest trying to improve on the other fonts so that this can stand out alittle better. Keep Trying!

A pretty nice take on the ALS challenge. Its pretty sad that people are not aware of the entire reason as the why the Ice Bucket challenge is being done to begin with. Animation is nice, and the voice acting was pretty decent all around. Great Job!

Nice animation, and a pretty funny setup overall! The voice acting was good, but the delivery got alittle shaky in a line or two. Other than that, Great Job!

Potatoman responds:

Thank-you thing i put in my martini

Not bad for your second submission. The animation is very simple, and the plotline isn't anything I haven't seen before. However, the added lighting and tiny bloom likes effects were pretty nice. If there's anything you need to improve on, it would have to be to try to expand on the gestures alittle more namely because its kind of hard to assume what the character was going through with his stiff movements. Music was also nice, so overall good job!

Dalas responds:

Thank you very much for your review SummerOlives!!
Ill try to improve on my works asap ^^

Heya! I'm Devin. Voice actor, writer!
M, 31, living with a crab.
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