
94 Movie Reviews

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Personally, I did chuckle at how bad the singing was near the end. Another positive to note, is that the animation while not exactly good is not the ugliest I've seen, it just needs more effort put into it. Now then, the brief plot and joke of this short however was not funny nor clever in the slightest, and the dialogue felt like something a 4th grader would write up. The voice "acting" here is not good, the audio is pretty mediocre, especially considering every audio clip ends with an annoying "click" and has very bad background noise, I would highly recommend a better microphone. Despite the criticisms, I would like you to keep trying and improving within each outing as it does seem you might be more capable as time carries on.

The animation's fine, I can see your getting better in that category. Audio is decent yet again, however the dialogue was just plain bad this time around, in contrast to your previous efforts. Your jokes need more effort put into them, if you are to stand out more.

The animation is nice, I think the live backgrounds fits well.I think some additional background sounds could have been added for additional effect but that's really a nitpick. The voice acting was passable, and audio quality is great, however the dialogue just seems annoying and there is no joke here. Then again, I think this might be due to the fact that as you said, the short is unfinished and the part where the teacher scraped it due to being offensive to woman makes absolutely no sense. Aside from all of this, a touch up on the dialogue and you might have something really great. Good Job!

Harry is the definitive flash animator on this site. Excellent humor, that points out the main flaws of Kickstarter and many other donation sites, along with superb voice acting and art. There's literally nothing to complain about here. In retrospect, I wouldn't be surprised if this was real, and I wouldn't even be surprised if this succeeded because we live in a world today where even the dumbest of the dumb ideas like helping a kid get ingredients for multiple amounts of potato salad get recognition and revenue.

Animation was passable, with a few oddities here and there. Character's look fine. As far as the dialogue displayed this time around and the premise as a whole, it just reeks of uninspired. Don't get me wrong, ALS awareness is great and everything but ideally in terms of flash animations many around the site have provided there own unique twist on the shorts that not only raised awareness but also gave me and many others a very entertaining watch. That being said, audio quality was passable but the dialogue just didn't do it for me, this is one of the more weaker "let's do an ice bucket flash because everyone else is doing it" ordeal. I understand this is your first submission, and make no mistake I think you have some potential for some solid shorts in the future, but as it stands I've seen better, I've seen worse.

Excellent Flash! Jokes are solid, animation is nice and fluid, and voice acting is wonderfully well done! Keep it up!

WaldFlieger responds:

Hey, thanks a lot!! :D

Not bad for your first attempt. The joke is all too familiar, and the voice is pretty annoying. Although, the brief run time for the trailer prevents the joke from getting too annoying, and for what animation there is, it looks decent enough. Keep it up!

Okay! Next up on the list, well this wasn't as generic as the let's player short posted earlier. Animation is fine enough, audio's nice and clear, but the joke was just meh. I think that's really the only problem with your shorts, is that the joke or premise that's involved just never really comes off as very funny nor enjoyable. Now, its not terrible by any stretch again but I think you're capable of pulling off something alittle more hilarious than the obvious stereotypes.

Chauder responds:

yea, im gonna start working on my joke writing :)

Heya! I'm Devin. Voice actor, writer!
M, 31, living with a crab.
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Age 31, Male

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